This isn’t exactly a new poem, as I wrote it about three months ago, but I forgot to post it in my huge poem post, and will post it now. I hope you enjoy it, although I feel sorry that you can’t personally know all of my delightful sibs!

My Siblings
I’m blessed with five siblings, I love them each one,
They are all first-class, second to none.
They all bring me blessings every day,
If you asked me to trade them, I would say nay.

There’s Paul, he’s a blessing, a gift from above,
He brightens our home with his laughter and love.
Whenever Paul’s near, fun is not far away,
He brings special joy to every day.
I am so glad that God gave us Paul:
He is such a blessing to us all.

Isaac’s a fireball, a boy on the run,
He is the one who brings us such fun.
If it were not for Isaac, my life would be dull,
But since I have Isaac my life is so full.

John is a corker, a really good guy.
(Though sometimes I worry he’ll blow us sky high!)
He has many talents, he’s sharp as a tack,
If you listed them all they’d make quite a stack.
He brings us great blessing, he brings us such fun,
I am so glad that our fam’ly has John!

Rachel is loving, always so kind.
Such a good sister is sure a rare find;
worth far more than rubies or diamonds or treasure,
To be her big brother is sure a real pleasure.
She brings all of us so much great joy,
I’m so glad that our fam’ly isn’t all boys!

Luke is my brother, for which I’m glad;
If he were not I would be so sad.
He’s been my brother as long as I remember,
I’m glad that our fam’ly has him as a member.
He blesses us with his personality,
I’m so glad that he’s in our fam’ly!

I’m blessed beyond measure to have all these sibs,
To say that I’m not would be a great fib.
I’m so glad to be their big brother,
I am more blessed than any other!