This Saturday I had the privilege of taking my dear brother Luke on a “trip” into town. We had a very good time, wandering around and seeing the “sights” and I thought you might like to see a few (or actually, a few more than a few) pictures from it.
We got dropped off at Arris’ Pizza at 11:15 and immediately ordered our Pizza(s!)
They arrived at 11:35, and we dug in!
Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end sometime! Our pizza did at 11:50 and we headed out, visiting several nearby stores to look around.
We stopped at a used bookstore and bought several books and we then started walking to the bus stop that would take us to our next destination.
And walked,
And walked! Over 3 and a half miles, all told! And the really annoying thing about it was that we had only actually needed to walk about 1 mile, but I, the experienced world traveler, had gotten one of our turns wrong, necessitating all that extra 2 and a half! We finally arrived at our bus stop though, and sat down to wait for the bus to come.
Luke said “I never thought a patch of grass and a bottle of water could be so good!”
We rode the bus to Lighthouse Lanes, where we bowled and played air hockey.
We then went back outside and did some more waiting for the bus. This is a picture I texted my mom while we were waiting, I titled it “Waiting for the bus-Heironimus style!”
I guess this would be riding the bus, Heironimus style!
We walked from the bus stop to Mama Jean’s Natural Market
We ate dinner and bought some “treats” for every one else and at 5:10 we left
We went to Bass Pro, the final stop on our trip, and at 6:15 we were picked up, having had a wonderful 7 hours together!