By Adam E. Heironimus
I recently had the privilege of reading my younger siblings “A Winter With the Moodys” by Sarah Maxwell
It is the third book in a series of books about the life and “adventures” of a christian homeschooling family as they work through their year, sharing god’s love with their neighbors and blessing others.
Although the Moodys are a little bit too “perfect” at times, we were all blessed by their christian values and godly example.
Using the 5 star rating system I would give “Winter with the Moodys” 4.5 stars (The only reason I don’t give it 5 is because they never have any examples of how a godly family can work through their differences)
“A Winter With the Moodys” is available used at and new at
Book Review: “A Winter With the Moodys”
Book Review: “A Table In the Presence”
By Adam E. Heironimus
I recently had the privilege of reading “A Table in the Presence” by Lt. Carey H. Cash, It is about the combat experiences of the 1st Battalion of the 5th US marines. I thought that the most amazing thing about this book was the fact that even through the horror and bitterness of war, the marines were still always able to find time to praise and thank God for his blessings. The majority of the book reads like Lt. Cash’s journal of the events that took place in April 2003, but toward the very end there was a few chapters that I found very encouraging (even more so than the rest of the book). The last chapters were about God’s divine protection for the marines even in the midst of seemingly impossible dangers and trials- it just goes to show, just as Psalm 91 says “If you say, “The LORD is my refuge,” and you make the Most High your dwelling, no harm will overtake you, no disaster will come near your tent.- over and over again there would be stories of marines who “should of” or “could of” died, but were delivered “from the deadly pestilence” by God’s provision and protection
I would highly recommend this book to anyone who would like to read about real-life stories and experiences of people coming in contact with God’s mercy and grace and would give it a 5 out of 5 star rating.
You can purchase this book on
Movie making update
I know your’e all probably wondering why, as a blog of a movie making “company”, we haven’t (or rather, I haven’t) mentioned movies or movie making for almost a month- it’s been in the upper 90′s and lower 100′s around here and between the heat, birthdays,teen camp(for me),laziness (on my part) and a mixture of time consuming random projects that have needed our attention, we haven’t really done anything towards finishing “John the Detective 2″ (or any other movie, for that matter). We haven’t given up, we’ve just taken a short (actually long) break, so stick with us and expect more movies to be written,produced and filmed by the wonderful crew at SixSibs Media Group!
Thanks for reading,
Isaac,Paul and I recently had the privilege of blessing our family by making waffles, we used our normal oatmeal pancake recipe, except we didn’t put in any raisins,blended the oats and added more liquid to make it more “battery”.
Enjoy the pictures of the craziness!
Paul got the first (and one of the most important) ingredient out for us
Isaac then measured out 12 cups of oats to put in the bowl
He then blended them
And after all the oat work was done he measured all the other ingredients into the bowl
We then started putting the batter on the Waffle Iron
By the time we finished up the batter we had made 52 waffles!
I’m an Old Man!
I had a birthday on July 30!- (My 15th if any of you wouldn’t happen to know)
I had an excellent birthday, enjoying my family (who I hadn’t seen for a full day since Sunday- I was at camp) and just enjoying being 15- which wasn’t all that much different from being 14, but I guess you could say that I enjoyed being alive in general!
The first thing I did when I woke up (after running my daily 5k), was to make pancakes- which I think turned out quite well (if I do say so myself!)
Faces make pancakes taste better!
You can blow out the candles on multiple types of cakes!
Paul thought I should start eating my cheese (a gift from Luke) right away!
After Lunch we all went bowling, my final score was 113 (not that spectacular, but I hadn’t bowled in about 20 months, so I wasn’t too disappointed
Once we got home, John,Mom,Rachel and I started preparing dinner
John and I worked on breading chicken tenders
Mom baked and iced a cake
The icing passed the taste test!
Rachel sliced strawberries
Rachel then put the strawberries she had sliced into a nice pattern on top of the cake
The moment we’ve all been waiting for!
The cake was spectacular and I had a wonderful rest of the night, playing with my family and watching “Fellowship of the Ring” with Luke and Dad.
Whew! I didn’t realize I had done so much on my birthday!
July 25 was Paul’s 3rd birthday! (Sorry I haven’t posted in so long, in between camp and other stuff I haven’t had much “computer time”)
We had (and I hope Paul had) a very good day, I thought I’d just share a few pictures from his birthday with you:
I made Paul pancakes for breakfast (by his request I put faces on them)
Isaac had to make sure that no one took any!
Look out world! Paul has a hammer and he (I hope) knows how to use it!
Paul got a new pair of green “frog boots” to replace the ones he’d worn holes in (he loves boots!)
Who says what types of cakes you can and can’t put candles on?
The pancakes were a success!
I took Paul to Andy’s to get some Ice Cream
Will it be good?
Paul and I went on a “hike” and he thoughtfully picked some flowers for mom!
Paul’s wonderful birthday cake- it tasted even better than it looked (believe it or not!)
Yikes! This is the longest post in the history of
Have a good remainder of the summer!
The Runge
While we were driving to Jefferson city we had the privilege of stopping at the Runge Nature Center to stretch our legs and look around. We stayed there for about 1 1/2 hours and were able to enjoy a special dragonfly program that they were holding that night.
Ride em’ Isaac! Git along little… Turtles?
Rachel enjoyed looking a a few of the 80 species of dragonflies that are in Missouri.
Paul and Isaac really enjoyed the puppet area!
This conservation agent is showing John and Rachel dragonfly larvae- she even let them pick some up!
We all had a very good time at the Runge, but all good things have to end some time so we all packed up and headed for our hotel so we could get a good nights rest before we went to our final stop: the Missouri State Capitol building!
(I’ll post some pictures of that soon!)
Book Review: “Mustang, Wild Spirit of the West”
By Rachel M. Heironimus
Today I finished reading “Mustang, Wild Spirit of the West” Written by Marguerite Henry and Illustrated by Robert Loughweed. It was about a girl named Annie Bronn, and she really liked horses. But, when she was 18, men started killing the mustangs to be butchered and turned into pet food. So Annie is trying to stop them.
I liked this book very,very much and it was very good. I would award it 5 out of 5 stars.
I would highly recommend you buy it on or check it out at your local Library!
Book Review: “Along Came a Dog”
By Rachel M. Heironimus
Today I read “Along Came a Dog” written by Meindert Dejong and illustrated by Maurice Sendak. It was about a dog who protected a little red hen from various dangers. It was pretty good and I’d give it 3 out of 5 stars.
You can buy it on
Book Review: “Misty of Chincoteague “
By Rachel M. Heironimus
Today I finished reading “Misty of Chincoteague” written by Marguerite Henry and illustrated by Wesley Dennis. It was about two children named Paul and Maureen who want to buy a horse called “The Phantom” if it can be caught on pony penning day. Someone does succeed in catching it, but someone else buys it before Paul and Maureen!
I liked it very much and would award it 4 out of 5 stars
You can buy “Misty of Chincoteague” on
Dress up!
While we were touring the capitol building, the 5 youngest of the 6 sibs were able to have a little fun, getting “dressed up” in 1850′s style clothing!
A “period” picture (complete with sandals and tennis shoes!)
Luke just wanted to be a peaceful farmer.
It was Rachel though, who was really “in her element”
We all had a very good time at the capitol building and I think I’ll be able to scrape together one more post from the pictures I have left.
Until then,
Book Review:”B is for Betsy”
By Rachel M. Heironimus
Today I Finished “B is for Betsy” written and illustrated by Carolyn Haywood
It was about a little girl named Betsy who went to school. At school they had a circus and they built farms and raised tadpoles. I liked it. I would give it 3 out of 5 stars
You can buy “B is for Betsy” on
(by the way most of these reviews are being posted about 4 or 5 months after they were written, so when Rachel says “Today I read…” it really means sometime in the near past she read the book she’s reviewing- she doesn’t quite read 3 or 4 150 page chapter books in one morning!)
Museums of Archaeology, Art and Anthropology Part 2
Here are the last of our Columbia Pictures:
I hope you enjoy them!
A Hopi doll
A replica of an Inuit man in full hunting gear
As Isaac said, “you wouldn’t want to meet this guy in the dark!”
A Byzantine statue of Mary and the baby Jesus
That pretty much exhausts my collection of interesting Columbia picture! Stay tuned for some pictures from Jefferson City!
Book Review: “The Last Little Cat”
By Rachel M. Heironimus
Today I read “The Last Little Cat” written by Meindert Dejong and illustrated by Jim McMullen. It was about a cat who ran away from the barn where it lived. I did not like it very much. I will only give it 2 out of 5 stars
If you really, really want to read it you can buy it at (just remember- I warned you!)
Museums of Archaeology, Art and Anthropology Part 1
This is part 2 of 3 of our Columbia pictures (part 1 of our archaeology, art and anthropology pictures) I hope you enjoy seeing the pictures 1/4 as much as I enjoyed being there! (and taking them)
Plaster replica of a Roman statue from the early first millenium
An Egyptian statue of a seated scribe
I forgot the what, where and why on this one!
Lots of examples of Greek and Hellenistic art work and pottery
I still have quite a few interesting pictures to show you, so stay tuned for part 3 of 3!
Book Review: “The Screwtape Letters”
By Adam E. Heironimus
“The Screwtape Letters” by C.S. Lewis is a series of fictional letters sent to an inexperienced younger demon named Wormwood by his “Dear Uncle Screwtape”. In the letters Screwtape is instructing his young pupil how to keep his “patient” (a young christian) from staying on the straight and narrow path and instead tries to instruct Wormwood on ways of keeping his “patient” from church, christian fellowship and all other kinds of godly things, but Screwtape was always sure to tell Wormwood to never hurry his “patient” into anything evil, in fact he said “The safest road to Hell is the gradual one—the gentle slope, soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, without signposts.”- That’s so true! It’s very easy to slowly, slowly slip backwards without knowing it- and the devil can wait an entire lifetime for us to complete our slide! We need to be constantly be setting “signposts” on our paths and getting other Christians to help us by gauging where we are in our spiritual lives. Another section of the book that I really liked was the part in which Screwtape was instructing his pupil on his “patient’s” involvement in the church, He said “Surely you know that if a man can’t be cured of churchgoing, the next best thing is to send him all over the neighbourhood looking for the church that ‘suits’ him until he becomes a taster or connoisseur of churches… The search for a ‘suitable’ church makes the man a critic where the Enemy wants him to be a pupil.”- It’s often much, much easier to find a church’s, person’s or family’s troubles than to find all of their many good qualities- and anyway, if you find a perfect church, don’t join because you’ll mess it up!
I was really encouraged by reading “The Screwtape Letters”, as it gave me somewhat of a better idea of how the devil often tries to tempt and trick us into sin. I would highly recommend “The Screwtape Letters” to anyone who would like to learn more about resisting temptation, and would give it 5 out of 5 stars.
“The Screwtape Letters” is available at and at many other physical and online bookstores worldwide.
Book Review: “The House on Walenska Street”
By Rachel M. Heironimus
Today I finished “The House on Walenska Street” written by Charlotte Herman and illustrated by Susan Avashai. It was about three sisters named Leah,Esther and Rose. They lived with their mother, and their father had died so they lived in a one-room apartment. And one day soldiers came to their house. It was very good and I would give it 4 out of 5 stars.
It is available for purchase at
Book Review: “Shadrach”
By Rachel M. Heironimus
Today I finished reading “Shadrach” written by Meindert Dejong and illustrated by Maurice Sendack. It was about a boy named Davie who got a black rabbit which he named Shadrach. But his rabbit got so skinny that it slipped through the bars of his cage. I did not like it very much. I would only give it 2 out of 5 stars.
Although I wouldn’t recommend purchasing it, if you really want a copy you can get it on
Ellis Library
Like I said, I took a lot of pictures, so this is going to be the first third of the pictures that I took in Columbia
Woodcut by Fred Geary at the Ellis Library’s Art Museum
Another Fred Geary Woodcut (there were over 50 on special exhibit)
Steel plate used to print copies of George Caleb Bingham’s painting “Order No.11″ -the plate alone took over 3 years to complete!
A very nice worker at the Missouri State University archives showed us some interesting artifacts from the Civil War
A “cross-hatched” letter- the writing went both vertical and horizontal- this didn’t make for the easiest reading experience!
The archives had a mind-boggling array of just about anything old that’s made of paper that you could possibly want- letters, wills, title deeds, books, newspapers and so much more! We only spent 30 inside and it almost felt like you could easily spend 30 years!
Trip to Jefferson City and Columbia
The six sibs recently had the privilege of taking a 2-day trip to Columbia and our State’s capitol: Jefferson City. We had a very good time and I took a lot of pictures (too many to fit in one post) so you’ll probably be seeing some pictures of us enjoying, learning and just having fun on our trip very soon!
More Grilling!
As I mentioned in last night’s post, John and I were going to grill chicken for dinner, we did it and I figured I would share a few pictures of the process (Rachel was only able to take pictures of us putting the chicken on, so you’ll just have to use your imagination to make a mental picture of how delicious and wonderful it looked when we took it off!)
First I demonstrated the “proper technique” for putting chicken on the grill
Then John did all of the rest of the chicken breasts by himself!
(I had to have my tongue just right in order for it to work!)
The chicken tasted great and everyone (at least said they) enjoyed it!
Have a good week!
This Sunday John and I worked on blessing the family with sausages, John put all but one of the sausages on the grill and did everything else by himself (under the watchful eye of his older brother) I wasn’t grilling until I was almost 13, and here’s my younger brother who gets to start before he turns 8! Pretty soon I’ll be out of a job if I don’t watch out!
Brotherly advice:
Taking a sausage off:
To the plate!
Who said grilling can’t be fun!
Good bye for now, John and I need to grill some chicken for our dinner!
“Adam’s Diner”
Last Saturday I sent my family off on a treasure hunt for a couple of hours so I could transform our kitchen into a “Diner” (my mom and dad knew what I was up to) I made French-fries, Hamburgers and Banana splits! Everyone enjoyed it, including me! It was a lot of work, since I kept the whole thing secret until I had everyone sit down to eat, so I had a somewhat limited time frame to work on making everything while they were away working on figuring out the treasure hunt. (I made the chocolate sauce,Ice cream, and whipped cream from scratch).
Mom enjoyed the food!
Waiting for burgers and working an activity sheet.
Banana Splits!
The master waiter in action!
Have a good day!
Book Review: “Viking Adventure”
By Rachel M. Heironimus
Today I finished “Viking Adventure” written by Clyde Robert Bulla and illustrated by Douglas Gorsline. It was about a viking boy named Sigurd. His father taught him to swim and fight and do all the other things he needed to know. One day he went on a ship headed to Wineland, a land that only one person had ever seen before. It was very exciting and I liked it very much. I would give it 4 out of 5 stars.
It is available for purchase a