By Adam E. Heironimus

I recently finished reading “Radical” by David Platt. As the subtitle says, it is about “taking back your faith from the American dream” and living a life that’s radically devoted to Jesus Christ. David Platt says over and over in his book that Jesus didn’t call us to live comfortable lives, hoarding our resources to use selfishly on ourselves- Jesus called us to “take up our cross and follow him” wherever he happens to lead us, whether it’s to Africa or to the downtown rescue mission, whether he calls us to spread the gospel in Asia or our own neighborhoods- we as Christians are called to be radical, giving of our time, our money and ourselves to further advance God’s kingdom. This book was very convicting to me and I would highly recommend it to anyone who’s interested in making a positive impact in the world they live in, rather than just sitting back and watching others serve Jesus. I would give it 5 out of an available 5 stars.

“Radical” is available at