By Adam E. Heironimus

Today I finished reading “The Dumbest Generation” by Mark Bauerlein. It was about the effect that reading (or not reading) has on teenagers minds, and how it makes them better students, workers and citizens when they do so. The book was split into three main sections, the first showed how reading is on a sharp decline among young adults and teenagers, and how that decline has been accelerated by digital media. The second was about how teachers, professors and mentors aren’t doing enough to stop this “dumbness” that’s invading America’s youth culture, and the final section was about the dire consequences that could come from not instilling in children, teenagers and young adults a love to read and absorb knowledge of all genres, types and forms. Mr. Bauerlein  said that learning to appreciate the old as well as the new, the established as well as the cutting edge, is the only way that we can hope to preserve our American system of Law, Justice and Freedom for generations to come, and reading will greatly aid in doing that. I really liked “The Dumbest Generation” and would highly recommend that you read it, (rather than some strange 15 year old’s blog entries) I think you will be very interested by it and I would give it 4 out of an available 5 stars

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